Illustration by Fanny Luor
Illustration by Fanny Luor

Passion economy

This entrepreneur is reimagining stock photography to better reflect our world


Published on May 27, 2021

How TONL co-founder Karen Okonkwo became inspired to tell the stories of the real people behind the images.

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Karen knew her passion wasn’t limited to event planning. “What really lit my fire was the independence,” she says.

“We as a society are starting to realize that consumers are holding us accountable. You and your business have to have a soul. You have to have something you stand for.” 

“We take our time. When you do that, you can actually see the difference in the emotions and pictures because everything you're seeing is actually genuine and authentic.”

“The more you learn about people that don't look like you, the more empathy you have.”

“Figure out your ‘why.’ If you don't know why  you're doing what you're doing, you'll burn out.”