Jenna Weiner

Articles by

Jenna Weiner

22 Articles — Page 1 of 3
Screenshot showing annotations feature in Dropbox Paper

3 quick tips to make image reviews easier with Dropbox Paper

Screenshots plus commenting

Pro tips: Got a quick question? Use Dropbox screenshots and comments

Dropbox commenting and Microsoft Office integration

Tip of the week: How to finalize collaborative projects in only 5 steps

Greg Coolidge

Pro tips: Film writer/director Greg Coolidge on perfecting the creative process

What’s a shared link? Here’s a quick video tutorial

Dropbox for Business groups

Tip of the week: Make team sharing easier with Dropbox for Business groups

Using Dropbox for tax prep

How to use Dropbox to make tax time easier

Cloud computing cartoon

How you're already using the cloud and don't even know it

Ryan Hammer Dropbox

Pro tips: How a professional videographer uses Dropbox