Image from Affinity by Martina Stiftinger and Rita Louro

Our Community

Finding common ground while working miles apart


Published on September 21, 2020

“The idea emerged to create a reflection about relationships and interaction.”—Martina Stiftinger

Every year, Motion Plus Design founder Kook Ewo selects some of the leading designers in the field of motion design to collaborate on a special project that debuts at their events, which are the gold standard for the field of motion design.

The goal is to give artists a chance to collaborate with no brief and maximum freedom. This year, Martina Stiftinger and Rita Louro combined their talents to produce the stunning film titled We, shown above.

“We were working in different countries, but we started by using Dropbox Paper. It was a brilliant tool.”—Rita Louro

To see how they collaborated with the help of Dropbox, check out this behind-the-scenes video: 

To learn more about the Motion Plus Design events, check out