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How a motion design team created a unified vision using different artistic approaches


Published on December 02, 2019

Go behind the scenes to see how four designers collaborated on a new film with the help of Dropbox.

Every year, motion designers gather at Motion Plus Design events to celebrate their craft, and each year, founder Kook Ewo selects a designer or team of designers to execute on a special project to debut at their events. 

Ewo says the goal of the project is to allow great artists to collaborate without any brief. “The only thing we ask them is to use the tools they already use in their work.” 

This year, a team of French motion designers were selected to come together to create Firmament, a stunning piece of design work that takes an exceptional amount of work to pull off. 

When asked to envision a smart workspace that would make it easy for design teams to work together, Ewo said it should allow them to access all files from a common folder.

When asked to envision a smart workspace that would make it easy for design teams to work together, Ewo said it should allow them to access all files from a common folder, which could include sources and renders.

It also would allow designers to share mood boards and checklists in Dropbox Paper so everybody can keep track of the progress and see where the project is in real time. Ewo said he’d also be curious to see AI that could suggest content and surface the files and folders you’re most likely to be searching for in the moment.

To see how the team collaborated on Firmament with the help of Dropbox and Dropbox Paper, check out this behind-the-scenes video: