Wow! What a crazy couple of weeks this has been. Some of you may not know me. My name is Michael Nagy, and I'm a geek. I'm a stone cold, dyed in the wool geek. I'm an "I played with an oscilloscope as a child" geek. I stumbled across Dropbox when it hit Digg, and signed up for the beta. When I eventually got invited, I knew I had found something cool. When I started talking to the Dropboxers I knew I had found something special. Fast forward around 3000 forum posts and many client/service updates later, and I was invited to come to San Francisco to attend the Dropbox launch party, and how could I say no?
10/2 So my wife Caroline, and children Ethan and Emily, trustingly followed me on my cross country caravan from Lansing, Michigan to San Francisco. When we landed, I realized that Jon Y had no idea what I looked like, and that I had neglected to get his cell number. Fate stepped in. Jon remembered me mentioning that my son was tall, and apparently the 4 of us with Ethan at 6'6" tall was enough to clue Jon as to who we were. We headed off to the hotel then headed off to meet the rest of the Dropboxers. The Dropbox office has all the things you expect in a high tech office, big LCD flat panels, a ping pong table, and most importantly, a room dedicated to Rock Band.
10/3 Friday was tourist day for us, and San Francisco was a blast. Friday night I headed back to the Dropbox office, and found a good chunk of the team still there. I was invited to join a Rock Band session, if I was so inclined. So there I was singing vocals to Toxicity, and Carry on my Wayward Son with the Dropbox Team. I was told that performing vocals was the customary Dropbox rite of passage.
10/4 Saturday was mostly a blur leading up to the party, except for the meeting I had with Drew and Arash. In one of the coolest yet most unreal moments in my life, I was invited to join the Dropbox team. Then came the launch party, tons of people, lots of fun. Today, I remain still a bit shocked to be part of this dynamic group of people. They are genuine, hardworking and dedicated to making Dropbox awesome. As the newest member of that team, I look forward to working with all of you, helping you on the forums, or talking via email. Happy Dropboxing! Michael Nagy (Michael N)
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