Photo of Lux Prima event by Luisa Conlon and Max Knight

Photo by Luisa Conlon and Max Knight

Dropbox for musicians

How Danger Mouse and the Lux Prima team created a multisensory way to experience music


Published on May 23, 2019

Go to any streaming music service and you’ll find dozens of playlists designed to help you get through your work, or your workout, or your commute.

“There's so much new music coming out constantly… maybe this shared experience can stand out and create a memory of an album that we often stop having as we listen to new music when we get older.”—Danger Mouse

Photo by Luisa Conlon and Max Knight
Photo of Lux Prima monolith by Luisa Conlon and Max Knight
Photo of the Lux Prima team by Luisa Conlon and Max Knight
Photo of the Lux Prima team by Luisa Conlon and Max Knight

“Although we worked with a creative team split between LA, Bay Area and the UK, using Dropbox and Dropbox Paper made sharing all our creative assets very easy.”—Mungo Maclagan

Dropbox Paper is a collaborative workspace that brings creation and coordination together in one place. Photo by Luisa Conlon and Max Knight
Photo by Luisa Conlon and Max Knight
Photo of Marciano Art Foundation by Luisa Conlon and Max Knight

The team decided to create a “shadow rock,” a one-to-one replica that was derived from a 3D scan of the original monolith. 

Photo by Luisa Conlon and Max Knight
Photo of the monolith at the Lux Prima event by Luisa Conlon and Max Knight

“With over 45 collaborators and crew, it was essential to have all info in one easily accessible place."—Mungo Maclagan

Photo by Luisa Conlon and Max Knight
Photo of the Lux Prima team by Luisa Conlon and Max Knight