Finally, we embraced the fact that we everyone who is a part of the Sundance community is there because they experienced the magic of cinema: The profundity of what it feels like to gather together to watch a film on a massive screen. As we all watched our cinema culture become endangered in the face of the pandemic, we decided to build a third venue, CINEMA HOUSE, an immersive 200 seat art house cinema—that would let us gather again, and participate in cinema culture. Audiences with a VR headset can show up minutes before the screening and hangout with others in the lobby, catch up on the talk of the festival, see old friends and make new ones before they take a seat and watch films.
So that’s how the design of the 2021 edition of New Frontier came to be.
Three virtual environments: a Gallery for the new media show, a cutting edge social venue, Film Party, and the custom-designed CINEMA HOUSE. There is also a Space Garden to build your avatar, begin your journey, or take personal time before heading to another venue on the platform.
Finally, we wanted to situate New Frontier in a place that reflected the truth of where it materially existed. And in a place of meaning. Because our devices are networked via satellite, it seemed apt to make space for art amongst the stars. So our interface locates New Frontier in orbit around the earth alongside the International Space Station. After a year of intensifying struggle for gender and racial equity, wildfires, freak weather, earthquakes, political insurrection, all amidst a global pandemic, it seemed incredibly meaningful to be able to gaze upon the Earth and consider our lives, as our artists and visionaries expand our hearts and minds.
To check out the Sundance Film Festival’s new online platform, visit
To read about the making of this year’s films, visit our Sundance 2021 Featured Collection.