Meet the food blogger who uses Dropbox Pro for everything but the kitchen sink
Published on May 07, 2015
By Juli Fischer
Published on May 07, 2015
Phoebe Lapine has the career that foodies everywhere dream of: she spends her days cooking, photographing, and writing about food — then eating it.
The professional chef, blogger, and published author contributes to publications like Food & Wine magazine, and has a second book coming out in 2017. It's safe to say that Phoebe has no shortage of food-related projects — which means she has no shortage of photos, articles, and recipes to share and keep track of.
For this, she uses Dropbox Pro. Based out of New York City, Phoebe is passionate about what she calls, "gluten-free, healthy comfort food," and her blog — Feed me Phoebe — has been nominated by Saveur for best special interest blog of the year.
Since a food blog isn't worth its salt without great photos, she finds Dropbox particularly useful to handle all her images. "Technology in general has changed the food blogging landscape tremendously. It’s just made visual so much more important," she explains. "When I'm working with the blog's Instagram and Pinterest accounts, I often need to have images readily available." For the few non-food images that appear on her blog, Phoebe coordinates with freelance lifestyle photographers who send her images via Dropbox as well.
"I need to have high-resolution images readily available, and that would be very difficult without Dropbox."
During the publishing process for her first cookbook, In the Small Kitchen: 100 Recipes from Our Year of Cooking in the Real World, Phoebe found that Dropbox gave her the freedom to collaborate without having to worry about email attachments. "Dropbox is really helpful, especially with big files I obviously don't want to send via email," she says.
The same goes for her contributions to publications like Food Thinkers; she now uses Dropbox to store most of her work and to send large files, like articles and photos, not only because it's easier, but so she can keep her materials organized in individual folders for each magazine she's working with.
"It's a lot easier for me than attaching materials to an individual email."
As Phoebe and her projects get more attention, she's been finding herself featured by the press from time to time. To handle the requests, she's come up with a workflow using Dropbox folders. "I use it to house my bio, media kit, and any sort of press materials that people might need." She creates a folder for each request, fills it with the info they need, then uses a shared link to send the folder. Sometimes she gets these requests while traveling, and on more than one occasion she's shared her press kit via the Dropbox mobile app. "It was pretty easy to just go on my phone and share a link to the folder with them," she says.
What's next for Phoebe? Her second book, titled The Wellness Project, is set to be released in 2017. She describes the book as a memoir about "how to find the balance between health and hedonism." She plans to use Dropbox here, as well: the new book will contain 20 recipes, and she'll be asking the third-party recipe tester to take photos of the results, and put them in a shared Dropbox folder so she can see how things are turning out.
Interested in taking one of Phoebe's culinary creations for a spin? Here's the recipe for her gluten-free Italian baked chicken meatballs. Be sure to visit her blog for the full story on these savory treats.
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