The gift-giving season is almost here, and for a lot of us that means finding the perfect thing for friends, family, and coworkers — some of whom can be very tough to shop for. After all, it’s so hard to know what people need these days. A new sweater? Oven mitts? The latest gadget that’ll be obsolete in six months anyway? Luckily for you, we have your holiday gifting needs covered with something that will make a lot of people on your list happy: a year-long subscription to Dropbox Pro. Starting today, you can buy a Dropbox Pro gift subscription for one year, and send it to your lucky recipient with just a few clicks. It’s the perfect way for your parents to store photos and videos, for your colleagues to expand their portfolio, or for the students in your life to back up all their most important work. Everyone you gift Dropbox Pro to will get 1 TB (1,000 GB) of space and the ability to access their stuff on any device at any time. And unlike other gifts, you don’t have to worry about giving something they already have — if you happen to gift Dropbox Pro to someone who already has it, we’ll simply tack on an extra year to their subscription! Gifting is available to users in the US. Sending a Dropbox Pro gift is easy, and only costs $99 (plus tax). Give the gift of Dropbox Pro today.