You might already be a fan of Camera Uploads, which beams all the photos you take on your phone and tablet straight to a safe place in your Dropbox. But have you ever wondered, “Why doesn’t Dropbox do that for the screenshots I take on my computer, too?”
Well stop wondering! Starting today, all the screenshots you take can automatically be saved straight to your Dropbox. And on top of that, Dropbox will also create a link to your screenshot and copy it to your clipboard — so your picture’s instantly good to share. Whether you’re capturing screenshots of websites, favorite dog videos, or video calls with your buddy in São Paulo, now Dropbox can help keep your computer a little more organized.
As an added bonus for all you Mac users, today’s update also includes a nice little importer that copies your photos from iPhoto directly to your Dropbox.

A lot goes into keeping all your photos in one place and always having them handy to share, and we hope small improvements like these return that time to you. This way you can focus on taking photos and screenshots — and let Dropbox take care of the rest.
Happy snapping!