Hey everyone! Tech support is a funny thing. To most people out there, it's viewed as being frustrating to both give and receive, and as something we all love to hate. That being said, would you believe me if I told you that Dropbox support is one of the happiest places on earth? Another piece of random trivia: Would you believe me if I told you that my first job at Dropbox was support? Support at Dropbox is much more than just answering support tickets all day. Dropbox's support engineers (note 'engineers') are hired for their nerd cred and passion, and we can easily make the claim that we're sporting one of the most brilliant support staffs in the world. Because most of this team is comprised of engineers who come from well developed programming backgrounds, this gives us the flexibility to do some pretty cool stuff:
- First, the support team at Dropbox builds its own internal tools to streamline ticket-squashing and runs its own analytics to measure and analyze trends in support. One tool that blends both of these aspects is Firebat, which examines the frequency of certain responses we've been giving and allows us to nip those issues in the bud.
- Because of a similar technical background across the board, working out solutions for a problem is often as easy as walking over and chatting with the engineer behind the feature.
- Feature requests encountered in tickets are easily translated into working features that you all know and love: the edu campaign, selective sync, iPhone app features, and much more.