Hey everyone, A month ago, we asked for your stories of how you've been using Dropbox. And you guys never disappoint -- we received thousands of stories from all over the world, and discovered all sorts of awesome uses we never could've imagined. We want to share a few of our favorites:
- I've had retrograde amnesia since last year. Dropbox stored things like past writing, photos, etc. which helped me make sense of it all.
- I won Olympic gold and silver & coach people worldwide. My files are 400MB long & they always get 2 their destination. I can work from home!
- We use Dropbox to save Orangutans. This year we released 50 back to remote forest. Dropbox helps us plan & inform donors, volunteers & staff
- We are a little South African design company- which became a much bigger one thanks to Dropbox. Dropbbox is our gift to our clients
- Exchanging pictures with my American grandparents, their 9 kids, 32 grandkids and 18 greatgrandkids as effortlessly as never before!
- Five of us used Dropbox to coordinate our preparation for Oxford final exams in Theology. Between us, we collected all the prizes for 2012.
- My family are using Dropbox to safely store a recording of a detailed interview with my great-grandfather about his whole life story.
- Laos doesn't have much in way of infrastructure, so to undertake the largest health related survey we used Dropbox to link-up all the labs.
- My wife and I use Dropbox as a means to leave each other love notes and pictures during my military deployments. Way better than snail mail!
- Hurricane Sandy hit us hard. Without power and computer access, I used Dropbox mobile to store and share damage photos with insurance reps.
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