Illustration by Fanny Luor

The mind at work

The Mind at Work: Daniel Dor on language as innovation


Published on December 09, 2020

Go to any business conference and between the buzz words and sales pitches there’s always a lot of talk about innovation. But a new approach to language suggests that talk itself may be the root of invention.

“First we invented language, then language changed us.” —Daniel Dor

The effectiveness of language is exactly its nonlinear effects—you laughing makes me much more likely to laugh, too. 

“Where we really need to be able to communicate, this is exactly where we find it most difficult.” —Daniel Dor

“Most people in most circumstances are very afraid of exposing their differences. They feel under constant pressure to adapt themselves to the demands of workplace.” —Daniel Dor

“Figuring out a way to get into each other’s shoes, while understanding how these shoes are different from mine. This is asking a lot from people.” —Daniel Dor