Paperwork. If you’re like most people, the mere mention of that word sends a chill up your spine. Not only does it represent the kind of work we dread having to get through, it also conjures up images of jammed printers and overflowing filing cabinets. Luckily, a number of innovative software developers are tackling the paper problem head on, creating apps that make digitizing documents simple. So let’s take a look at just a few of the third-party apps that work with Dropbox to help you go paperless at work.
(iOS, Android, Web) Putting together expense reports can be a hassle, but this app makes “receipt to accounting” management a breeze. Add a picture of your receipt to the Xpenditure folder in your Dropbox, and the expense will be added automatically. Xpenditure reads data on the receipt, after which you can create an expense report and have it saved to your Dropbox.