Illustration by Zack Rosebrugh
Illustration by Zack Rosebrugh

Work Culture

The way we used to work


Published on August 21, 2019

As of 2019, roughly 5% of the entire internet uses Mozilla Firefox as a browser. You're potentially reading these words in it. What you might not know is that the browser's very existence is kind of an anomaly, the result of a last-ditch corporate defensive maneuver.

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It’s kind of fun to compare/contrast the actual office environments shown in the doc to the other representations of that era.

Perhaps because of the ambitious scope and timeframe of the project, the mood of the team sways between jovial and bleak.

Although their attempt at browser dominance was somewhat unsuccessful in terms of sheer numbers, they were extremely ahead of their time.

On some level, it sounds familiar to the contemporary discussions regarding burnout. The main difference being, alarmingly, it’s seemingly less of a choice to work so aggressively today.