Animated screenshot showing an image being embedded in Dropbox Paper

Work Culture

Paper 101: 8 ways to add to your docs with the plus button


Published on March 21, 2017

Typing in a blank doc shouldn’t feel like it requires an advanced degree. Dropping in simple things like images and tables should be, well, simple.

That’s why, with Dropbox Paper, we did away with all the overstuffed toolbars and hidden right-click menus. In their place, there’s the plus (+) button. Just hover to the left of any text to make it appear and easily add commonly used items to your docs.

Here are eight ways you can use the plus (+) button to create, embed, and organize in Paper.

1. Drop in an image from your computer.

2. Embed files from your Dropbox—with rich previews for Office docs and more.

Animated screenshot showing a file being embedded from Dropbox in Dropbox Paper

3. Add a quick, easy table.

Animated screenshot of a table in Dropbox Paper

4. Start a bulleted list.

Animated screenshot of bulleted list in Dropbox Paper

5. Or a numbered list.

Animated screenshot of numbered list in Dropbox Paper

6. Fire up a task list.

Animated screenshot of task list in Dropbox Paper

7. Put a divider between sections.

Animated screenshot of divider in Dropbox Paper

8. Embed a code block—complete with syntax highlighting.

Animated screenshot of code block in Dropbox Paper
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