Tip of the week: Stay productive on the go — even if your laptop runs out of power
Published on May 07, 2015
We’ve all been there before: You’re at the airport, writing up a report on your laptop when you realize that your battery is running low and you left your charger at home. If you save all your files to your Dropbox, though, all’s not lost. With the Dropbox mobile app, you can pick up right where you left off — and keep chipping away at your assignment. Here are three ways to stay productive with Dropbox on your phone or tablet: Edit Office files Whether you’ve got an iOS or Android device, it’s easy to edit documents, spreadsheets, and presentations on the go thanks to the integration between Microsoft Office and Dropbox. Just launch Dropbox on your phone or tablet, find the file you’re working on — now front and center on iOS — and tap the edit icon. The file will automatically open in Office, where you can start making changes. The best part? Any edits you make will automatically sync to your Dropbox. So when you’re able to power up your laptop again, it’ll immediately download the latest version. Share files with colleagues Say you’ve made solid progress on your report, and you’re ready for an extra set of eyes to bring it one step closer to completion. Instead of sending the file to your reviewers as an email attachment, you can share a link to it directly from the Dropbox mobile app. Pro tip: People who view the shared link on the Dropbox website and or iOS app will be able to provide feedback via comments. With all your feedback in one place, you won’t need to dig through ten different emails to find everyone’s suggestions. Mark files as Favorites If you regularly travel for work, you know that you can’t always rely on having Wi-Fi access or data coverage. That’s why the Dropbox mobile app lets you mark files as Favorites for offline access. Once you do, Dropbox will download a copy to your device so you can view it without an Internet connection. Productivity doesn’t have to stop just because your laptop does. With the Dropbox mobile app by your side, you can keep working — wherever you are.