Screenshot showing the new offline mode feature in the Dropbox mobile app.

Work Culture

3 ways to get more work done on the go using Dropbox Paper


Published on April 18, 2017

Our most productive hours aren’t always from 9 to 5, or even when we’re at the office. That’s why our time in transit has become an important part of our workday.

But what happens when you’re traveling through places without Wi-Fi or cell reception? Those interruptions can slow down your workflow, but they don’t have to bring it to a complete standstill.

Here’s how Paper’s new offline mode feature can help you get work done anytime, anywhere.

Access your top docs, even on an underground train

Sometimes, your mind is still on a project when you leave the office at the end of the day. And when you’ve got creative momentum going, you don’t want your commute to slow your roll. When you need to get work done on the train ride home, Paper’s new offline mode helps you stay productive from station to station, even if there’s a tunnel in between.

Have a long list of briefs, cases studies, and strategy docs you need to read? Paper mobile apps let you access recent and starred docs and catch up on high-priority projects. By the time you get home, you’ll have a lot more off your plate so you can relax for the rest of the evening.

Keep the edits rolling from taxi to takeoff

One of the most stressful parts of business travel is not knowing when or where you’ll have Wi-Fi. Sometimes, just finding a reliable cell signal can be a challenge when you’re in a city where skyscrapers create “ urban canyons” that block reception. Next time you’re stuck in traffic on a taxi ride through one of those zones, try launching the Paper mobile app on your Android and iOS device.

With Paper’s offline mode, you can access your recent and starred docs, and use that time to pick up where you left off at the office—making edits, adding comments, and giving detailed feedback to your collaborators. When you reconnect, your doc will be updated with the edits you made offline.

Create new docs so you can brainstorm on the fly

Air travel can take a toll on productivity. It’s hard enough getting to the gate on time, much less answering emails on the way. But some deadlines won’t wait until you reach your destination. And if your flight doesn’t offer Wi-Fi, airplane mode could mean unwanted downtime.

With Paper, though, being offline means a chance to focus without the interruptions of calls, texts, and emails. You can take advantage of the mid-flight quiet time and get into a creative flow. When you reach cruising altitude, let the brainstorm begin. Just tap the +” button on your Android device or the compose button on your iOS device, and a new Paper doc will appear, ready to capture your ideas.

When you’re back online, you’ll be ready to share those ideas and let the collaboration begin. The new offline mode feature is free and available to anyone with a Dropbox account.

To find out how it can help you keep projects moving forward—with or without internet access—get the Paper mobile apps for iOS and Android on the App Store and Google Play.

Get started with Dropbox Paper today for free
Get started with Dropbox Paper today for free